Monday, April 22, 2013

New Week

So this is spring. I'd forgotten.

Looking at a solid week of 60s/40s. I open the windows in the morning and just listen to the breeze and the birds getting their lovin' on. Pollen's up a bit, I'm a touch sneezy and headachy, but we should get a little rain on Wednesday.

Half our plants were tossed yesterday as non-starts; I'll redo those tonight. Yesterday afternoon was spent reorganizing and assessing the plant sitch (Hubs) and making strawberry jam (me). Also made a spinach and cheese quiche this weekend, using very little recipe other than Ashley's sinfully rich pie crust, that was well-received by the Hubs. Onions had a heavier flavor next day...should really write down what I did, because I knocked that one outta the park. Seriously delicious.

Such a basic mistake...starter soil wasn't moist enough, so spritz watering didn't do anything to get germination going. Granted, we're also talking a less than optimal setup...electric blanket, cookie sheets on a twin bed, but hey, you make do with what you have. What did germinate rather hilariously was the black beans...set 'em to soak in a paper towel and forgot about them, and Hubs had to delicately untangle the sprouts because they'd woven themselves into and out of the fiber. Lessons learned.

I'm reading my books, decreasing my caffeine, making more smoothies, and started drinking Tulsi tea, which is supposed to help with immune boosting and anxiety. Just in time, because I dropped my Paxil dosage again. Doing OK with that, but I know it's in large part due to the fact that I don't have to go to an office everyday or do a lot socially yet. I'm planning to attend a class next Sunday, and the Sunday after that, so those will be good tests of just how chattery/wound up I get. Especially the May 5th one, because it's at Ashley's, whom I greatly admire and look forward to meeting.

Have a great week, y'all!

P.S. Had to add this link, because the ramps are rampant (winkwink) up here in western NC, to the point that I'm seeing them sold on the side of the road...can't wait to try them! Now just gotta find a GF pizza crust  recipe...

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