Sunday, May 02, 2010

Summer has started

I'd forgotten how quickly it turns into summer down here, but when I saw the calendar had turned to May, it made perfect sense. Low 90s this past weekend, abundant sunshine. Will try not to bitch too much, since the weather will do this now until at least September.

Actually, it's motivating me. I'm wanting to wear less clothes, but my pride doesn't enjoy showing the skin that I have, so I'm motivated to create less of it. I'm thinking of trying walking in the mornings before work. Such a radical concept, I know.

We're eating better, at least, and I've been reading enough where I'm no longer comfortable buying certain foods. Was all set to buy regular ground beef and pork for meatloaf, but saw that Greenwise ground round was on sale and grabbed that instead. Made breadcrumbs from the detritus of our last loaf instead of buying them. It's the little things.
Gotta go obsess about how I'll present myself for my interview this week, and tear apart the closet to find appropriate clothes. Everything's in boxes, because we didn't see the point in letting the complex know when the closet last self-destructed...didn't trust them not to blame us for it and try to charge us. So all my professional-looking clothes are buried right now. Having to make do on shoes too...just couldn't find anything in my size and price range. Gonna be a lot of mind over matter in this interview...

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