Friday, January 22, 2010

my god, the boredom!

I'm grateful to be employed, I'm grateful to be employed...

Sales have been dead since the holidays. Holy crap, it's boring! We scrabble for sites like crabs on a feeding frenzy, and it's extra frustrating when you do grab a site, only to have to send it back to copywriting/design because it's unfinished.

It's helping motivate me to punch up the ole resume and really look at the different fields I want to try for up nawth. I'm not just looking at web design/editing...yes, it's where the bulk of my experience lies, but if I can't find work in that field, I'm also looking at technical writing, print editing/writing, medical clerical, bagging groceries, Starbucks barista...OK, the last ones may be a stretch to pay the bills, but you get the idea...leaving the ole options open. Although...

Finally over the whiny, snotty cold...Husby got a variant of it naturally, so he's useless right now. That sounds mean; I just mean I can't nag him to do the dishes or clean up around his table when he's feeling extra-miserable. I want to SCRUB the house this weekend; it needs it so badly. Also continuing to consolidate...made good progress in my head last weekend, but it has that whole "tiny tip of the iceberg" feeling.

Love that the meal plan concept kind of worked this week. Keys to its continued success include weekly planning and not making too much food. We have limited freezer storage and I don't can yet. The tuna casserole I made this week was too big for the 2 of us, and unfortunately will result in wasted food. Live and learn.

Got a really nice surprise...for some unidentifiable reason, my electric company applied our deposit toward our bill, so we're in the black with them until next month. We may live paycheck to paycheck, but for some reason, life hands us lemonade when we need it.

Weather's back to normal down here. Hard to get pissy about it when the sun's out and it's pushing 70. I'm finally thinking about growing things again...found the seeds I got from last year's Green Expo, and hope to spend some time this weekend planning what I can grow between now and September. Another full-of-promise weekend :)

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