Monday, February 04, 2008

Another manic Monday...

Heh. Probably a double meaning there. Off lithium and weaning off Paxil (relax, people; the doc appointments are this week)...I'm probably going to talk to my primary about weaning slower off the Paxil, and of course, if both docs say it's ok to stay on it, I'll give that opinion thought...but what it comes down to, is I don't want my hopeful child going through withdrawal. It hurts like hell; the body aches settled in late last's slowing me down, has me popping something pain-relief-wise everyday...and I don't want a baby to experience that if he/she doesn't have to. There are them who will say it's a toss-up between selflessness and stupidity on my part, so rest assured, the philosophy is a work-in-progress. But I'm heartened by how I've been handling things so far; I think it's an indication of growth, that I have actually learned how to handle myself better. I really recognize when I'm starting to fly, and I'm taking steps to tone down or rein in when that happens. Strengthened my relationship with a co-worker last week, when I apologized for sounding so impatient with her, when she was asking basic questions during a meeting. I'm a huge proponent of asking questions at work; designers are lousy at it and push material through on websites based on assumptions. Then we get the site at the QC level, and can't understand what the frick the client was trying to say, because the salesperson spelled it phonetically or something. I'll never forget one website for a remodeling/home improvement company...they had a table of services and one of the bullets was Corner Sports. Took me about 5 minutes of Googling and turning it around in my head to realize they probably meant Cornice Boards. Keeps the job interesting, lemme tellya...but the point is I was snapping at her hypocritically, and it wasn't even my place to speak up; I wasn't running the meeting, she wasn't even frickin' asking me at the time. I saw what had happened and emailed her, and we talked more about it the next day. I will not hide or live with regret anymore when I screw up; I'll address it and learn from it.

But I digress. Today's my OB appointment and I see my primary on Wednesday. The knee's a lot better, but given the strain a small person will put on joints, I'm going to lean hard for some kind of testing on that knee, to see if anything can be done to reinforce it...will also talk braces with her, because the store-bought ones are too damn small, and I want to start walking again without fear. The cycling is a nice change of pace, but it's a cheat...practically anaerobic for all the good it's doing my cardiovascular system. And I'm asking her about exercising, if there's anything I should absolutely be steering away from, like squats, until the knee is totally healed or repaired, and I've lost some weight.

Decent weekend...didn't get much accomplished Saturday, but sure made up for it Sunday. Made a meatloaf (finally! damn thing burned a bit tho') and a big crock pot of chili to help get us through the week mealwise...will make cookies tonight and plan something chicken-related for later in the week, for variety and as a switch from all that red meat. Chili came out decent, thanks to Husby's help with the spices. I like it spicy, but he doesn't, so I was just too prudent with the cumin and cilantro...

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