Friday, March 02, 2007


Blissful, non-working weekend.

Well, non-working as in not actually going into the office work. Naturally, I've got plenty of other plans for this weekend, related to packing and organizing mostly. But I'm going to try and squeeze in some rest time too. I want to finish mr. sock, start his mate, and start the double knit bag too (and if I find myself bored or frustrated, there's still the FnF scarf and the SSS). Those projects are on my mind today...I didn't bring mr. sock to work because I've started the decrease and don't want to f*ck it up, but it's raining steadily today and the only place I can think of being, thanks to the Yarn Harlot's blog entry today, is curled up in my wing chair with my knitting and, since I'm a southerner, a big glass of sweet tea.

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