Tuesday, August 08, 2006


When I start off my morning by spilling coffee down the front of my shirt, I find it's difficult to then ascertain in a positive manner, how the rest of the day's gonna fly.

I'll try though.

We are a self-centered people, that's for sure. As I sat there, flapping my shirt dry while waiting for a light to turn green, all I could think of was the people looking into my car wondering what the hell I was doing. Never mind that the normal individual behind the wheel at that hour is doing the same thing I am: rubbing sleep out of eyes, praying for caffeine to take hold, and in the case of this week, thanking god that the kids are back in school.

Knitting and moving organization are taking a back seat this week as I strive to get myself on an exercise schedule and get my fundraising in order. Problem is, I'm so out of shape that the exercise sucks me dry and leaves little energy for thinking about fundraising. On the plus side, I was in bed by 10:30. On the minus side, we ate dinner so late that it feels like I dreamt all night. :P I've made a list of family and friends (outside of community) that are getting letters by snail or email; now I've just gotta write the suckers.

Did a mile and a half on the treadmill last night, and to my chagrin, it's a perfectly viable alternative to outdoor walking. I say that because I'd much rather be outdoors, but it's just way too damn hot right now. Treadmills bore the crap out of me, but on the plus side, the A/C is terrific, and ours is situated facing the retention pond in back of the office. You know how on TV, you see rich folks working their stationary bikes with a view playing on a screen in front of them, like they're biking down a country road or something. Well, I had them beat last night with a great view of feeding time for the turtles in our pond. Had no idea there were so many of them! Small, medium, and large turtles were poking their heads out, diving down for food, and occasionally tustling in the water.

I don't know what to do about my hair. I never should have cut the layers off; it's at shoulder length and vexing the hell out of me. Every time I work out, I'm frustrated, because I had the front edges angled, so it won't hold a bun now; and the damn ponytail gives me ruthee syndrome, brushing on the back of my neck. I don't want to cut it again, but I really don't know if my patience will hold out through my training.

Geez, I'm chatty this morning.

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