Monday, July 09, 2012

Tackling Monday with Faux Energy

Suck it.

I so love when I have all these grand plans for the weekend and real life gets in the way and craps all over them.....

Ah, it's not as bad as all that. Saturday was spent puttering and then shopping...I didn't actually get out of the house til like, 3PM, but picked up food, got a load of dishes done, did my nails...the little things. Sunday was the first day of the monthly hormonal enslavement though, so other than grabbing a nap and being pissy, nothing got accomplished. We were both down for the count (Hubs had a migraine), so we ate pizza 2 nights in a row and slept a lot (though in our defense, if you haven't tried Freschetta's Brick Oven with 25% extra cheese, you're missing out)...

That's not so bad, I mean, I get when my body and mind need down time and tell me in no uncertain's when I wake up Monday ready to conquer the world and have zero spare time to do it in that I get ornery. Tonight I'll be writing lists in between knocking out the laundry that didn't get done yesterday, thinking about tearing into the bedroom closet (because I bought some large boxes and that area is crying out for purging), and treating myself to 1 new show on TNT...luckily I can pack/write while watching.

So in other words, laundry and that show @ 10...

Too hard on myself? Maybe, but I'm also looking at the calendar, seeing that it's actually July, and then allowing myself small panic attacks. This week I'll be writing the letters/emails that I wanted to write last week, to realtors/property management companies up in Asheville, the letter that says "so we're planning to move in December, my credit sucketh, what do we need to get a roof over our heads?" I'm thinking ahead to mundane stuff too, like how I always say I'll do holiday cards (for xmas/yule/etc) and then never do them, but THIS YEAR, I definitely want to do them, but in order to make that happen, I really oughta like, create something now, since we'll be moving right on the holidays this year (please gods!)...

I'm also thinking about books I want, to expand my farming library. My time in Kate's blog has re-engaged my desire for a milk cow when we have our little patch of land, so there's learning about that. Lil Sis would say move first, think about that stuff later...but it's that stuff that's helping to drive the move, so it all helps. I was in traffic this past weekend and it hit me how badly I want to be further away from a big city, how over being around so many people I am. Sounds misanthropic, I know, but it's about wanting the work that goes into a life further away from civilization...I'd rather shop on the weekends than hit the store every damn day after work. I'd rather eat from the cabinets and the freezer. I ache to nail that level of organization in my life. It's as simple as cooking on the weekends to make the weeks easier, and doing more stuff from scratch. It's baking your own bread. I made waffles from scratch using a whole wheat recipe, and I'll never buy Eggos again...they were excellent! I'm starting to digress.....I'll shut up for now.

Image from here.

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