Monday, April 30, 2012

Ah, Monday...

A pinch out of sorts today...just little stuff...went to make my coffee and discovered that it tastes a lot better if you actually remember to put grounds in before you turn the sucker on...couldn't find my little pill bag this morning on my desk, was baffled as to where it had gone to, until I realized it must be back in my purse, because my pills were already out on said desk...things that make you sigh....and remember your warm, toasty bed.....

The lithium has definitely raised my spirits though, and combined with the vitamin B12, has me more focused and awake during the day, which is nice. Did OT on Saturday, came home, napped a bit, then went and got my hair trimmed. He took a bunch off the bottom, which makes it almost all one length in the back...I miss the length a little, but I'm so glad it's even now. Feels healthier too and I look forward to playing with it a little more...gotta find more styles than just the boring ponytail now that summer's here...

Once we start sweating, I consider it summer. We're probably past the point of being able to open windows at night, and I need to buy some T-shirts. Trying to lighten our meals a bit. Remembering to put foundation or sunscreen on before I go to work, something with an SPF. Don't mind browning up the arms, but the face gets major splotchy if I'm not careful...thank you, Irish lineage...

All that OT and I still can't afford sneaks yet....amazing how real life gets in the way. I am picking up my orthotics on Wednesday, though, thank the gods! Just one more check...harder to begrudge it when I'm feeling better about my food purchases lately, more organics (or close to), more homemade foods, less steps...

Been so pretty out, thought about buying potting soil and seeds, but stopped myself. I know it's just not worth it right now....which makes me nuts and motivates me to plan the move. Husby's first act this morning was throwing water on the feral duck that was kicking my pots all over our porch, trying to find a place to nest. Really makes me wish we had a varmint rifle....and didn't live in the city limits...

May is bearing down on me a bit...Dad memories slipping to the surface more often. I couldn't get any time off around that day, which is probably a blessing, but the 12th is a Saturday this year. I'll hit the arboretum, maybe the beach. Meara and Mom were very smart about this anniversary; they won't even be in country. Mom's never even traveled outside the US; so they're going to Ireland. Wish they could put me in their suitcase for the trip...

I have laundry and cooking waiting for me tonight, meal prep for the week, and then OT the rest of the week. In addition to the hearty checks it produces, there's a company contest going on with some decent prizes up for grabs. Here's hoping!

Image from here.

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