Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Taking Stock

Holy crap, this morning is dragging! My mornings don't normally drag; it's the afternoons that do that, especially on Thursdays for some reason. But this morning has been about 2 days long, and I think I need to do lunch away from the desk today. Oughta do that every day anyway.

Did yoga last night, and I'm so glad I did. It's a pinch disconcerting to watch the instructor go through the motions and discover that she can go from standing forward bend to upward bow FROM THE TOP...but I forgave her, because the instructions otherwise are idiotproof, very detailed and clear about what body part is supposed to be where during X pose...which I totally need since I'm a beginner, flat-footed, arthritic, etc.

Outside: smoky, hazy, hot...had to juggle some stuff before getting in car this morning and was sweaty and feeling bereft by the time I turned the key :P

Inside: noisynoisynoisy...newbies getting trained. I have a nearby coworker who's the nicest lady, but whose voice is like nails on a chalkboard to me for some reason. Have spent the morning listening to iPod and desiring to punch a baby...

Wearing: seriously casual...jeans, pink top, wannabe Birks.

Reading: Bob Greene's Best Life Diet.

Creating: putting rows on Cozy Saturday lit a tiny fire under my knitting muse...I started a short-row scarf and am thinking of reorganizing the WIPs...

Going: nowhere yet...

Hoping: we get one more OT opp while the newbies are being trained, while simultaneously revelling in getting my free time back...hitting the Y tonight and relaxing better in the evenings...

Image from here.

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