Friday, April 08, 2011

Taking Stock

Yea, OK, so I'm still in a mood. It's half hormones and half realizing I really need to kick the move plans into gear, but can't because my spare time lately is either at work, helping Mom with her move, or engaging in a brown stare in front of the idiot box playing mah jong.....something's gotta give soon.

Outside: Cranking up to low 90s this weekend. I'm ready for it, but doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

Inside: I'm still writing copy instead of editing it. Try being original in your prose after your fifth contracting site in a row and lemme know how it turns out...

Wearing: jeans and favorite earrings...that's not normal, but nothing I own matched my mood today...

Reading: Twelve by Twelve and Better Off...sometimes I really love our library. Also this publication and this Hobby Farms, and waiting on the UPS truck to deliver Made from Scratch and Chick Days :)
Jenna planted a seed of thought in our heads earlier this week, about writing down your farm dream. It's encouraging some interesting thoughts about what I want, what I'd compromise on, and how I really oughta share all these thoughts with the husband ;) And how I want all 4 of Ashley's books for my next birthday, if I don't win them from Cold Antler, that is...

Creating: it's been a meh week in that department.

Going: 4 hours of OT tomorrow, then Mom's to pack most of her belongings...she moves in 2 weeks.

Hoping: I can get some good exercise in that packing and dig outta this latest rut.

Image from here.

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