Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Healthy. Everything looks good.

Great words up there. Pretty sure that's what the cath doc said...I was kind of out of it, but have Husby as a witness.


What I remember and what actually happened are two different things. I've been on anesthesia once before (bottom wisdom tooth extraction), but for that I was completely out. This twilighty stuff was rather hilarious. Once I was on the table, they gave me something...and the ceiling started moving. Then the doc came in to check on me, give me a reassuring pat on the head, and I cracked wise at him, and he told them to give me some more. I don't remember what he said, but I remember saying something like "well, you're the one who keeps ordering all this shit." Gotta remember to apologize...ah, follow-up's not for a month, he won't remember either.

Procedure was supposed to take about 15 minutes...I remember about 5. Then they wheeled me back to my room, where I dozed for quite a while. They keep you for about 2 hours after the procedure to ensure you're reacting OK under anesthesia and that there are no complications near the entry site at the groin. Les got some reading in, and we watched a couple of Food Network shows. Terrific service at the cardiologist office...the professionals there have that rhythm going, where you barely notice what they're doing to you as they're doing it, and for folks like me who've rarely been stuck in clinical settings, it was nice, kept the nervousness under control.

I napped the afternoon away, and Les kept me tied to the bed all evening...wouldn't let me play on the computer until like, 9 p.m. :( But I really was exhausted, and it's carried over to today. I'm back at work, but definitely not running any marathons. Site's fine, but I'm betting it'll bruise now that I'm back in regular clothes.

So I'll spend the week recovering and then get back on the stick. I swear I'm going to print out about 5 copies of this Cold Antler Farm post, keep one in my purse, one at work, one at my so clearly states how I want to live my life and how I need to react when the depression sucks me into a brown stare in front of the TV.

Looking forward to the weekend...researching, organizing, cleaning, a little walking...Les cleaned the kitchen last night though! I need to get laid out more often :)

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