Thursday, August 20, 2009


This week's trudging along...I'm enjoying the heck out of SouleMama's Savoring Summer series. I'm barely noticing the season passing me by, and that happens quite a bit in Florida, because it sometimes seems like it's always hot here, so you don't appreciate it nearly so much as say, someone living in Maine who's had an exceptionally rainy summer so far. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't be taking time out to stop, smell the sea air, and get a little dirty. I'm thinking it's foolhardy to hit Universal Orlando on Labor Day weekend...we'd spend the whole time waiting in lines, which would blow significantly. But if we stay home while I'm off work that week, we're taking some day trips. State parks, the beach, something...

Poor Husby is weaning off one medication before starting another, so he's under the weather. May not have the heart to drag him to the movies this weekend, we'll see.

I ache with boredom at work lately, which gets me restless, that "I'm wasting my life" feeling. But what do I actually want to do, ah, there's the I want to find a different job in my field in Charlotte, if I'm going to be just as bored there? Do I have a choice, given our sitch? Can't move up there unless I'm making at least what I'm making much for living in the present. But it's important to address these issues now, when the move's still a ways off, especially when we're trying to add a small person to the mix. It's going to mean significant juggling/organization. Maybe I should stay the hell home that week I'm off and get organized. Yeah, it could happen...

In the meantime, farmer's market to look forward to, and a weekend of a little cleaning, a little knitting, a little laundry, a little reading, and a lot of helping Husby feel better. Life is good.

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