Wednesday, January 07, 2009


When I got back to work and in front of a computer last week, I did make a list of resolutions.
  1. Budgeting, repair credit
  2. Small person
  3. Make apartment livable (serious purging)
  4. Keep apartment cleaner
  5. Purchase more dpns, knit more socks, finish UFOs
  6. Husby teeth (in part)
  7. Husby job (in part)
  8. Refile disability (Feb.?)
  9. A 5-year plan with projected move, goals, etc.
  10. Healthier lifestyle for both of us
  11. A LOT less eating out
  12. More photography
  13. More creating
  14. More planting (herbs, veggies, and flowers)
  15. Take better care of cat and car, not necessarily in that order.

Looks like a tall order, but they're so varied I can't look at them as needing to be done all at once, so I don't feel overwhelmed. Which is cool, b/c I'd love to be able to pull at least some of them off. Usually these lists get abandoned early, but I'm determined not to let that happen this year. It can't...if I get pregnant, quite a few of those things will NEED to happen. So may as well get started.

So I'm back at work and life has returned to normal, which is the reason I lagged here again. I think I'll try to update it once a week, and do more pictures this year. On January 2nd, I ate like I normally do and wrote everything down (calories, fat, protein, carbs), and it was the wake-up call I needed. Now I'm choosing more carefully what I eat, and the increase I've experienced in daily energy is fantastic. Exercise is another story, but again, I'm determined to start, because the increase in weakness that I've been experiencing in my knees has me worried.

Finished my first decent pair of socks for me! That UFO was kind of negated by the snood I started right after it, but again, I'm looking forward to finishing or frogging the UFO pile and getting some real knitting done this year. Other crafts too...

So pictures soon, I promise...I want to share some of the snow shots from when we went to CT, and some other stuff, in between poking the husband to help me purge/clean the apartment, maintaining decent meals for us, and all the other delightful stuff of life that crowds out dreams.

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