Monday, March 01, 2010

Seriously, did I mention no apnea?

The relief I'm experiencing is rather delicious. To know that any issues I have are completely manageable, that I don't even need medication, just the drive to get healthy, which I already have in spades...that I don't need to sleep with an ugly, restrictive mask...that would've made me a little nutty...the sleep study was claustrophobic enough!

My heart is healthy. They are scheduling me for an angiogram, which I'm not looking forward to, but the reason behind it is likely benign...they saw a shadow in the images after the nuclear stress test, which they're pretty sure is "breast artifact"...meaning my boob was in the way and my extra weight prevented them from getting clear pics in that area. I'm also wearing a portable EKG for 24 hours so they can try to measure any flutters; but they're not worried, so I'm not. Husby is, but I guess that's his job to be...I'll talk him down later tonight. They've cleared me to exercise, and I'm getting back to eating healthy and exercising with a vengance.

This week I'll experiment with salads...bought some red and green leaf lettuce, spinach, canned beans, etc. at the local health food outfit, and I'm comparison shopping big-time, realizing that Publix sells a lot of what I'm looking for, for a fraction of the health food store prices. Also recognizing that we can't afford the holy-crap-exorbitant prices that they charge for free range chicken breast, so it's going to have to be a choice of decreasing meat or standards. I'm doing a combination of the two, personally, and switching to Greenwise wherever possible.

Also, may not seem healthy, but it's a step in the right direction for me...I finally tried Green & Black's and I'm pretty sure it's ruined me toward all other chocolate. This is a good thing, as the expense of the bars and richness of the candy has me buying them sparingly and treating myself to just a bit in the evenings, rather than plowing through a sleeve of Thin Mints or something. I think it'll be a step in the right direction where my chocolate addiction is concerned.

Also, crown almost 100%, thank goodness :)

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