Friday, July 11, 2008

Moving day

Last day in the old building, woohoo! I dig change better than most, probably will have trouble keeping the silly grin off my face all day Monday...

I'm thinking of bailing on the Independence Days Challenge...not bailing per se, just not formally reporting specifically that stuff. I'm just not there yet...certainly the brunt of this blog will still be about my desire to live green, simpler, etc., and the occasional crafty stuff, but it's such a work in progress, and right now, the Growing Challenge is more than enough......definitely will keep y'all informed as my little corner of the planet progresses...future projects this year include delving into canning, more freezing foods, more plants...

I still haven't thinned the tomatoes yet, and I think it's starting to stunt them...this weekend I'm hoping to deal with the aloe (yes, I know, where have we heard that before...) - geez, it goes THAT far back? That's depressing...and I want to manufacture something to keep the plants out on the porch where they'll have better access to sun, rain, pollenators...going to visit the evil big-box stores for greenhouse-type mesh...ah, maybe I'll be a good little granola and look for it at the smaller hardware stores or nurseries...

Frogged 2 projects last night, rolled 3 balls of yarn yesterday, having another attack of motivation to start Xmas projects yet though, still baby stuff or stuff for me :)

Speaking of the Growing Challenge, Elements in Time moved to a gorgeous fresh website/blog, One Green Generation...give it a look-see!

Haircut is moving quickly from dog snot to shagadelic; thank goodness it grows fast! Thinking of investing in a straightening iron so the mop will make me less nutty (heh, kind of a reach, I know...) got me thinking about my buddy Alexa's hair, which I covet (natural SERIOUS curl and auburn)...I'm sure the limitations involved with naturally curly hair would make me just as impatient as I am with my mop, so it begs the question of whether or not I'm perpetuating my nuttiness regarding my hair by continuing to try different styles that quickly fall short of my expectations...I do know I miss the length and am going to try my darnedest to keep from trimming it for the near future; and I've developed a definite appreciation for longer styles, thanks to Husby (the little creep). Still, if you ever wanna trade, Alexa.... :)

What's sad is one of the things that got me thinking about hair this week is watching Shear Genius on Bravo for lack of anything better on the tube...Jaclyn Smith irritates me for some reason (was never a Charlie's Angels fan, but I sympathize with anybody in remission from breast cancer, so she gets a pass), but the show itself is kind of, I'll be glad when we get full cable ticks me off when I find myself enjoying those so-called "reality" shows, but then again, some (ONLY SOME) of them have merit...I find my creative juices flowing after watching Top Chef or Project Runway too. Now if we could just take crap like Super Nanny or Wife Swap off the air, our society may have a chance of moving beyond its Jerry Springeresque tendencies...

Well, that's enough of the cultural wants help with the move, but they're not willing to pay OT, so I'm steering clear. House is getting a serious cleaning this weekend instead; our apartment building is at least 25 years old, so when you let it go to seed, the bugs come out unfortunately...dropped my milk cap on the floor yesterday morning, and had this fantasy of 2 cockroaches coming out and carrying it off, while one of them said to me, "thanks, we'll get this back to you." I'm not well. So it's cleaning time, and the usual organizing and creative fantasies that accompany a Melanie weekend. Hope yours is relaxing; Happy Friday, y'all!


Alexa said...

Hey Melanie, I'm thinking opf cutting my hair shoprter, as I am sick oppf barrettes and poopny tail;;s.\ \I had it upooo oin poiog tail;;s; poriopr top pbraiding and l;ooked l;ike Carropt Top\. Nopt gopod.\

POicked 2 cukes and a zuke topday! Dopzens opf green topmatopes opn opalnts upo top my eyebal;l;s!

Hapopoy Mopve!

Alexa said...

Hey Melanie, I'm thinking opf cutting my hair shorter, as I am sick of barrettes and pony tails. I had it up in pony tails prior to braiding and looked like Carrot Top. Not good. Serious frizz issues.

Picked 2 cukes and a zuke today! Dozens of green tomatoes on plants up to my eyeballs!

Happy Move!

Time 2 get a new computer. Or at least a new keyboard.

David Dust said...
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Green Bean said...

You know, I didn't sign up for the Independence Days Challenge. Not that it isn't a great challenge. I think it is a GREAT challenge. But I am only one person. I can only do so many challenges, blog posts, feed my kids, pick bugs off the plants, and blogger get togethers. Balance is the key. Sounds like you are headed in the right direction. Now if only I can get there. ;-)