Friday, June 15, 2007


'Nuff said.

Except that I'm looking forward to both resting and getting things accomplished this weekend. Probably going over to the folks' house Sunday to do a bit of laundry and make sure Lil Bro is surviving with the beautiful blond boy (he's got him all to himself this weekend, because Mom's in Orlando helping Meara settle into her new apartment, and H's mom is busy giving him a little brother). Otherwise I'll be cleaning, knitting, and enjoying time with Husby. And patting myself on the back for surviving my first full week back to work since Dad passed. It was quite hard...Wednesday and Thursday felt almost normal, but I honestly don't realize the way I'm burying my feelings until I have the car to myself and find myself screaming and crying. I was holding off on getting grief counseling until I handled the re-enrollment of my health benefits. Well, that got done today, so I'm visiting the appropriate websites this weekend, to set the task of referrals and appointments in motion.

Inspiration has snuck into my head this afternoon, and the ensuing verbal diarrhea is catalogued on my SCMoving blog. I'm also enjoying the Random wrap so much, I may have to paw through the ole stash this weekend and start myself an afghan of sorts. What better way to stash-bust!

Happy weekend, gang!

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