Got home from work last night and dove in, plowed through the dishes, cooked a decent meal, cleaned dishes from said meal, put away leftovers, fixed coffee for next morning, filed away idea for next day's lunch in head, and then went and relaxed. It was something like 9 p.m. when I finally hit the couch...and I don't even have kids to wrangle. Imagine the time I'd save if the kitchen was cleaned, oh say, almost every night! (Better yet, every night, of course, but let's throw some training wheels on first).
Having a clean kitchen is practically an aphrodisiac for me...I'm happier, more confident, certainly more organized. I'm able to plan things like decent meals, keeping the cookie jar full...felt so damn good about this simple accomplishment last night, it took me extra long to wind down, but I woke up in an OK mood and was able to have a relaxed breakfast and throw together today's lunch with ease. I'm thinking about baking bread, but that won't happen til Friday probably.
Tomorrow night I'm meeting my best friend Christy at St. Johns, where we'll check out bridesmaids' dresses and grab dinner and visit (she's getting married next year). Hope she's not expecting a lot of trying on...I doubt they have many of size ehem-cough-cough in stock. I'm taking Friday off, just for poops and giggles (originally was driving Mom to get her hand operated on, but it was rescheduled), so Thursday night will probably be a decompression evening. Work's weird lately, new boss, the girl I've been working closely with is on vaca, and there's very little work to be had, so we're kind of at loose ends.
I'm still not minding the heat...who AM I this summer?!
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