Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Still organized...and a shout out...

Day Two of the Great Clean Kitchen experiment!

Only threw together Hamburger Helper last night because I knew I'd be working late, and I wanted something leftover-y today for Husby, because I'm doing dinner out with Christy. Put away dry stuff, washed pans, wiped down counters...using the washcloth I knitted a while back, and started a new one, because I'm liking having those around. I woke up this morning just knowing that it was going to be one of those morning where time flew, so I steered clear of the idiot box and jumped in the shower, threw together lunch and breakfast easily again. Need to be leaving the idiot box off altogether and doing yoga in the mornings to wake the body up...there's virtually nothing on of interest at that hour anyway, and this being summer in Florida, I already know the weather report (partly sunny or cloudy, depending on your point of view; high mid-90s, chance of rain 40%).

My new work bag is a beeyootiful fabric tote from the talented hands of Beauty That Moves, a kindred spirit from the Nutmeg State. The lousy photo is courtesy of my pay-as-you-go POS cell phone, but I was so tickled to have successfully sent a picture from my phone, I just had to put it on today's post. Yes, Melanie's a shade behind technologically...seriously though, it's a good thing we're back to not having money to blow on stuff, or else I'd be further cluttering up our pit of despair with the typewriter and suitcases in her vintage store. Heather's in the midst of farmer's market season, so her handmade shop stuff will trickle in online in the coming weeks as the bulk of her stock goes to the locals, but it's a fun place to dream, plus she's a good influence in the eating healthy department...check her out!

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Go Melanie! Definitely don't need the TV in the AM. So much more to do. Which is to say, I should be sewing instead of surfing the web.