The party may start now.
Good weekend; a touch of cooling weather and mosquitoes at night, the usual family stresses. The visit to Columbia, detailed somewhat here. Lots and lots and LOTS of time spent taking care of a 6-week-old, 9-pound baby girl person. Kylie is a gassy little squirmer with a full head of dark brown hair and dark, inquisitive eyes. Taking care of her was such a palpable feeling, I nearly latched her onto one of my own tits. All claims about being ready have been fluff up until now; this weekend gave me a taste of the real deal, and I know I will be an amazing mommy.
On the last day, I showed her her first tree. I took her outside to the tree I hug in the front yard, placed her palm on the bark, and told her how the tree would give her energy, just as she gives energy to the tree. Les and I both spent time just shrouding her meditatively in positive energy. She lay on my chest and just looked and looked at me while I hummed everything from "Sing a Song of Sixpence" to Trumpet Voluntary to her.
I'm a bit of a puddle still.
I know, I know, they grow up, scream a lot, make messes, clean out your bank account, pierce parts of their body down the road, resent you, and consider you a source of embarassment right up until they leave for college. I still want one. Maybe two.
So this week is spent reintegrating into reality, playing on the new computer, trying to catch up on some wayward knitting, and about 3 other things. I'm in the home stretch on my first sock, which I know will be stretchy to the point of irritating due to the yarn I'm using, but I'm past caring because I'M IN THE HOME STRETCH ON MY FIRST SOCK!!! Gotta get back on the cape too; I had an idea this morning about stitching I-cord buttonloops at the collar for like, those Navy wooden peacoat buttons. Hmm...
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