...and you bring it back?
Didn't become a coffee drinker until after college...heck, didn't even drink it much up until about hmm...when I met Les? What's the correlation there?
Lately, been weaning though...looking toward making babies a coupla months from now, and want life to not suck so much when we get to that point. I was drinking a 5-cup jug of the stuff in the mornings, though my drinks after that were usually decaf. But when I inquired to the greatest OBGYN on the planet how much I should trim the ole caffeine intake, she said "1." I jokingly say back, "oh good, only 1 cup?" knowing that that wasn't not the case. She gave me a whammy look and answered, "only 1 cup a day."
Exsqueeze me? Baking powder?
Nah, actually I figured it was something like that, just hurts to hear it said out loud.
Paraphrased from Gilmore Girls:
Max: Do you enjoy coffee?
Lorelai: Only with my air.
So I've been doing half decaf, half hazelnut 8 O'Clock for a couple of weeks now. It's not so bad. But this morning I was lazy, still feeling like I'm getting back into the swing after the deliciously long Labor Day weekend, so I made it all hazelnut this morning.
Wow. Nice. If you'll excuse me, I have to go detail my car on my lunch break and jog around the building 5 times. My brain's actually thinking clearer, feels a little more organized.
This sucks.
Why? Because I know darn well I need to go back to half and half tomorrow, because it's better for me, better for the ole body chemistry, better for my attempts toward better health. Better...
And that's only a drop in the bucket of how I'd like to change my lifestyle, meaning I'd love to only be shopping at Native Sun, love to be able to walk past chocolate without my hands taking on a life of their own, love to be able to walk daily like I need to if I'm ever going to get this big ass off my ass...
Patience. And in the meantime, pass the Haagen-Daz.
graphic snuck from http://www.wikipedia.com
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