So I'm training for this walk, or trying to. And about 2 months ago, I had my yearly GYN fun, and the doc and I discussed me weaning off my meds and substituting one, since I want to start trying for kids in the near future. The ones I was on are bad, bad for a fetus, and the one I'm subbing to, doesn't have nearly the withdrawal symptoms of the others.
I take an antidepressant and lithium. I'm not a swing-from-the-rafters bipolar per se, but the bloodwork showed a significant lithium deficiency. Been on it for years now, and it was a good combo; it worked for me, and I've truly been able to function well and realize who I am as a person. We're subbing on the antidepressant and it seems to be doing an ok job, though I'm still weaning, so I've got plenty of good chemicals in my system at present. Last week, I finished weaning off the lithium. I'm discovering this means my spirits are in check, but I have zero energy to train. Nil. I'm carpet lint.
Lloyd Bridges, Airplane I:"Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit drinking...""Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit smoking...""Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit amphetamines...""Looks like I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue..."Now I'm also PMSing, so I'll take that into account. Still it spooked me enough to suggest that I go back on the lithium for a bit, just until after the walk. Les, surprisingly, talked me out of it. Usually he hates when I wean off my meds (now granted, usually I don't have the doc's permission; rather it's a case of me wanting to take less of something and taking matters into my own hands), but he knows how much I want kids, how much I want to do it as naturally as possible (I mean, we're talking no drugs, cloth diapers, breastfeeding, and organic food), and how much of a pain it is to wean off something. And it's true, there's not enough reason to go back on it and set myself back a month and a half down the road. And it certainly helps that he's my rock and he ain't going anywhere.
So on the commute to work this morning, I realized I'm forgetting something rather vital. I'm a witch. I worship the earth. I draw energy from it. I've seen and felt the power of a dancing circle of humans united for a singular purpose.
It's time to start hugging trees. I need to ground before I go out to stretch, ground while stretching, and ground while I'm walking. I need to reach down into the depths of the earth and draw up her lifeforce into my body to borrow it for a little while. I need to carry talismans when I walk that'll aid in this endeavor. I need to soak up the sun and the rain and allow them to feed my chi.
Sounds pretty fluffy, huh? And I know it's not foolproof; when your energy's flatlined, it's damn hard to conjure the interest and focus to do anything, let alone exercise. But I've got just over a month to get ready for this turkey, and if I don't want to do damage to myself, I've got to get back on the horse.
Definitely a time of changes right my continued quest to create more UFOs than FOs, I'm currently working not 1, but 2 different sock patterns. Yes, folks, I've finally discovered the wonder of socks. My success at creating my first one and having it a) fit ok, and b) not look like complete crap, has caused a new delusion of aptitude. Picking up stitches no longer terrifies me, and while working dpns still feels like I've got about 3 extra thumbs, it's a deformity I'm learning to live with.
Have a great weekend, gang!