Ain't it purty? Found it on the NRDC site.
Patience is never something I had a lot of, pre-meds. Since my chemical imbalance has been tempered by some beautiful pharmaceuticals however, my ability to take things in stride has become a wonderfully calming influence in my life. I can usually sit in gridlock without bitching out my fellow inmates, and the diddley-shit happenings of life don't have me climbing the walls like they once did. If I ever meet Tom Cruise, I will beat the living shit out of him before he has a chance to flash his smug smile at me. I'm a functioning human being thanks to modern medicine, and Scientology can kiss my large, cottage-cheese ass.
Where'd that come from?
I guess from the mindset that if I'm going to be held up timewise, that it at least be for a good reason. If it's going to take 10 minutes for me to negotiate the exit ramp off of 95 heading toward my work, then there'd better be a 3-car pileup waiting for me afterward. But no, not even a stalled car; just people not letting each other merge in a polite fashion in all likelihood. Dipshits.
Oh yeah, patience. The thread was actually going to be about how I started something last night that I wouldn't normally have the patience for. The Candleflame shawl from Knitpicks is a 36-row lace pattern, but to start the shawl/stole, you do 18 rows of garter stitch first, which means if you goof up irreparably once you get going on the pattern, you're ripping out a discouraging amount of work. Had one fellow KBer already come up against this, so I decided to build a swatch. With a little bit of work, hopefully this'll get me more confident about ssk and lace in general, as well as the pattern, so that when I finally order the yarn, I'll be ready for it.
Downright sensible of me. Very unMelanielike.
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