What a great shot! Can't you just picture the cameraman saying, "now, c'mon guys, spread out. You look like bowling pins!" graphic courtesy of http://www.webshots.com/g/d2006/7-nw/59814.html
I'd forgotten blogs have themes. CBS Sunday Morning did a story on blogs this weekend. This blog used to be about knitting and witchcraft and turned into a diary instead. Not a bad thing, but I'll have no one to blame but myself 6 months from now when my identity's stolen. Just mean it's been getting pretty personal lately, and I'll be trying to gloss over the personal for a bit to assuage my paranoia, stick to the exploits of a knitting witch.
Problem is, I'm getting really bored with my current UFOs. I'm working the body and 1 sleeve of Beach from Knitty, the SSS, and a curly brimmed hat that I'm pretty sure will fit no one I know once I'm done with it; maybe I'll mail it to Keelin. I'm just not much of a sock gal, so I need something else lacy to challenge me, have several ideas on what to try, but can't buy yarn until payday. Wah! SSS is still fun, but I'm about 2/3rds of the way there, so you knit one row and it's like, ok, brain's dozing off; what else can I work on?
Can't......resist......diary......mode.....what a fantastic weekend! Spent Saturday working out, helping our wonderful Terra and her brood pack their moving van to escape Florida (the lucky shits!). Came away with a nice wingback chair, an office chair, and one of those indoor fountains. And came home to discover that the wonderful husby had torn the bedroom apart to move the chest of drawers we'd also inherited from the Terra clan into the bedroom. He'd stowed the winter clothes trunks in the closet, put his and my spare clothes into the drawers, and viola! A bedroom that doesn't resemble an explosion in a clothing factory!
I'm S....L....O....W....L....Y cutting the apron strings on my papasan chair, because we plain don't have the room for it unless we get a storage space, and I really don't want the added monthly expense. I mean, we could EASILY justify a storage space; there's 2 extra coffee tables in the dining area and I turned the corkboard into a worktable by laying it on top of the boxes I already store stuff in. But we can certainly do 9 more months the way we are.
Sunday was Bob Evans with husby, talk about our futures, goopily looking into each other's eyes (barf bags are available in the lobby), and a delicious day of relaxing and hanging with each other. My biceps are good-sore from the moving, and my energy level's up. Full moon tonight, may try some meditation with the fountain on. Lughnassadh will be here before we know it, and I want to catch up on my blessings :)
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