I'm really blown away by this "summer." It's as though nature's continuing to bless me with gifts, to make up for my 25+ year purgatory in Florida. I step outside in the morning and it's entirely pleasant. You can't break a sweat in the shade, and you have to stand out in the sun for a bit before it happens. We went traipsing around town on Sunday and it was hot at times, but then the breeze would cut through...I just can't get over the difference. Really mild summer here in WNC. I know it may not always be this way...just enjoying the hell out of it while it's here.
Posts are less frequent lately just cuz of life...I get up and work during the week, worry about money a bit, dream of the trip in September...I'm still not managing my time well enough, and we're not saving well enough. I pray the car continues to run fine. Certainly helps that it doesn't have a daily commute yet.
Garden is doing well, some successes, some failures. The beans gave up the ghost, but I'm not discouraged. Tomatoes are ripening, and peppers are proving to be really late bloomers. I need to think about how I'm going to cultivate stuff inside once frost season hits, as I have several pepper and tomato plants that will only be hitting fruit stage around late harvest.
I'm getting back into cooking and baking, just a bit, which isn't doing a damn thing for my waistline, but is helping me feel more like me.
Living around all this nature has reawakened some allergies. It's a pretty mild nuisance, as nuisances go, so I'm trying different allergy meds to squelch the sneezies...and realizing I should be checking Boiron to see if they've got an allergy version of ColdCalm, since I'd prefer going a more homeopathic route. It's so easy to grab for the Advil when you've used it your entire adult life, but that doesn't make it the best option.
I can't believe it's almost August. I'm an autumn girl at heart, so I'm starting to look forward to that time of year, while simultaneously marveling at how quickly this year is flying. I'm house hunting for dream purposes, and to get an idea of what's out there in this area, but we're still easily at least a year and a half away from buying, so it's mainly for self-torture and motivational purposes that I'm trolling sites for houses with land right now. Hey, whatever gets me moving in that direction...
Image from here.
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