Saturday, June 08, 2013

Old Dog New Trick

First foray into gluten-free baking = SUCCESS!

Admittedly, this recipe ain't exactly healthy. Calls for 2 c milk (when I'm trying to get off dairy), and I went the step further by using buttermilk, because we bought it last week for fried chicken, and the rest would go to waste otherwise, and I HATE that. The Minimalist Baker's recipe is what I'll try next, because it's vegan on top of GF (and I'm dying to know if they actually come out looking that good without using eggs)...this was just to get my feet wet. The first time I tried making GF waffles, I hadn't done my homework yet, didn't know what xanthan gum was, and the batter launched a self-destruct code every time I opened the waffle iron. With buttermilk, this batter was hilariously thick, so much so it cut the recipe in half, but like I said, this was a trial run, so I could see that it's possible for GF baked goods to still have flavor.

After the effort I put into them, Mrs. Butterworth's wasn't darkening this plate...that's real maple syrup and an organic banana. YUM!

I purchased a batch of Bob's Red Mill GF flour, as well as brown rice flour, potato starch, and tapioca flour separately, because I'm not the type to just buy what's easy without testing first. If I'm going to succeed at this lifestyle change, I need to do my homework. I'm hoping to try making bread this weekend, and since my bread's usually come out dense anyway, I shouldn't be disappointed!


This was a hard week, punctuated early on by extra body aches and a maddening lack of focus, which I later attributed to the fact that I had decreased my Paxil to the critical point. Paxil is a physically addictive substance, and I've decided for now, that detoxing off it requires a vacation or something, because it can't happen when I need my brain and body so badly. I was mentally unable to pull off much work the first 3 days, which makes the end of the week a total blast, lemme tellya...nose to grindstone time as I've set a quota for myself of 100 sites a week and on a good day, you crank out like, 20.

Did a bunch of planting, more seedlings. The latest batch of seed starts aren't happening at all, so I'll recycle that soil. Everything's starting to stretch up and out, but I fear I'm going to have low yields on almost everything due to a lack of pollinators. Haven't seen much in the way of bees, and the tomatoes and peppers are barely flowering. Patience.

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