Monday, February 04, 2013

We're Moving!

And my loyal 6½ readers scratch their heads and think, "wait a minute...didn't they just move?"

Not that kind of moving...BLOG moving! After about a year of internal (and occasional external) whining about how boring Blogger was getting for layouts and templates, I've found an equally boring template over at Wordpress (that I expect will change 3 times in as many days this week). I also realized it behooves me to figure out how to friggin' work Wordpress (which is NOT as user-friendly as it claims to be), because I'm hopefully going to be copywriting blog articles at one of my future part-time gigs. So I decided to shell out the $18 to buy a .com domain.


Why Dark Meadow and not Ember Madrone? Because I'm hoping to change my format too. I've used this sucker as a diary for years and years, and it's been a good, little therapy source. But it doesn't necessarily make people rush back to read it. I want to teach people granola stuff, and write about living sustainably. I hope to have giveaways. I'll be adhering much more closely to an informative plan, and the adage "if you don't have anything exciting to say, STFU."

I will also be writing still about our quest for our own farm, and in the interim, about the steps I take to teach myself what I want to know to succeed at that endeavor. We may still be stuck in apartment hell, but there will be planting this year, herbs and vegetables. There will be a harvest. There will be hopefully more kitties and maybe a puppy (and I've never owned a dog, so that's a whole other learning experience). We will repair our credit and build our savings, a dollar at a time, with the hope of being able to land shop in about 2 years' time.

See, normal people just throw down the new link and say "see ya!" It's gonna be interesting, measuring my words more carefully. Never has an editor needed her own services so badly :)

I hope you'll join me over at Wordpress!

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