Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Outdoors Anticipation

I'm so excited, it's a little ridiculous. Hubs keeps looking at me with one eyebrow cocked and a look on his face like, "you do realize that camping involves like, work, right?" But I'm undaunted. We've done this before, in good weather and bad. Yea, only a coupla times, but still...I'm determined to make this an educational and fun trip at the same time. Just wish we had time to hike while we are there, but I'm thinking I'll be lucky to even get into town on Thursday.

I'll drag us out early on Thursday (we're staying with his sis in Columbia, and she has to get to work probably anyway), and it's only 3 hours to Asheville. Hubs wants to go straight to the site and set up camp, which makes sense; and we'll need to hit an Ingles to buy provisions. I'm hoping to knock out the employment agencies maybe that afternoon, but we'll see...best laid plans don't hold a candle to real life on these trips. Friday, I want to hit the property management companies and get the straight poop...and hopefully even look at a couple of houses. Thank goodness for the Internet...I've already got a couple of properties in mind.

There's so many "what if's" still to iron out to make this work. That's what this trip will hopefully do. I'm still scared, in the back of my mind, that the property management companies (or landlords) won't want to work with us, because our credit is so abysmal, but we're hoping that offering extra up-front dough or cosigners will do the trick. Really pisses me off that that one number makes me look bad when I've got 18 years of established work ethic and a spotless rental history in my back pocket. Capitalism has its drawbacks.

50% chance of showers on Thursday up there...I'd appreciate any good wishes where the weather is concerned for us on this trip. We're rainproofing the tent, but it's ancient.

Image from here.

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