Sunday, September 09, 2012

43 is.....

...chocolate chip pancakes for breakfast made by my love...

...a meditative walk in the woods in just a little while...

...relaxing about the move, just for a day...

...thinking about ordering Hunger Games on On Demand...

...making my wish for the year...pretty sure it's inspired by that photo...

...looking at what we might be able to squeeze in at Asheville next weekend...

...buttermilk fried chicken for dinner, also courtesy of the wonderful husband...

...NOT introspection...being kind to myself today... thanks that I made it to 43 (because my superstitious nature did wonder if I'd make it to 43 without an aortic dissection...Dad turned 43 in the hospital at Yale-New Haven)...

...already looking forward to the Y after work tomorrow, after today's food indulgences...

...casting something on today...won a book on hats from Wendy Knits this week, and I haven't touched yarn in's time...

...touching up the pedicure later, pampering myself just a bit...

Happy September 9th, y'all!

Image from here.

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