Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Taking Stock

Outside: an overcast holding pattern...but at least it stopped raining. There was some serious flooding in the Riverside/San Marco areas.

Inside: the word on the sup position, but I'm expecting a "thanks but no thanks".

Wearing: hilarious when your office is cold enough to warrant long sleeves, but your state isn't...i'm in a mock turtle today for probably the last time til frickin' October...we crank back up to 90s here tomorrow.

Creating: lists, lists, and more lists...

Reading: between hitting old issues of Our State and the first issue of Taproot again. 2nd issue was much better than the first, so I'm giving SOIL another shot.

Going: maybe RAM on Saturday, then organizing, purging the apartment.

My Asheville relocation package comes in the mail this week and that I can make some more headways on the different lists that didn't get addressed last weekend. The kitchen's still clean and I'm working hard to keep it that way; but there's more, much more to be done to organize us for the move and make our living sitch better. Once Debby goes out to sea, I'll put Husby back to work on it too...this storm has been hell on his head and my knees.

I'm so used to being disappointed where the move is concerned, that I'm letting my credit keep me negative about the possibility of it. And that's just silly, when there's a chance we could get into an apartment or house by having Mom J. cosign, just as a guarantor. I need to educate myself on that.

Image from here

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