Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Taking Stock

And the wheel turns...and very little that last post...and since there's nothing I can do about it, I give it to the gods and move on.

Having a pretty nice week. I need to get back to the Y, still avoiding that, but otherwise, little things getting accomplished, not too tired, some thinking going on up in the ole attic.....we celebrated 13 years of marriage yesterday. So blessed.

Outside: overcast, but pleasant temps...

Inside: meh.

Wearing: new Eastlands...such a damn relief to have comfortable shoes...ridiculously eye-opening...

Creating: a cowl here, a wrap there...ignoring socks...

Reading: Twelve Wild Swans ... getting back to my religious roots.

Going: hopefully nowhere...

Hoping... sigh...see Dark Meadow...

Image from here.

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