Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Taking Stock

Wandering brain today...

Does every 30- and 40-something dream of building their own home? I doubt we actually will, but I'd love a fixer-upper someday that we end up gutting in places. That pic above was one for the Tumblr, a possible concept for my "dream kitchen."

I'm not there yet, diet-wise. It's so damn overwhelming. Like all the dreaming about eating healthy, being a brown-rice-and-veggies gal just got shoved from oh-maybe-someday to now-or-you're-risking-diabetes-and-that-early-death-thing...It's scary and I'm still so angry with myself.

That said, I fully recognize the irony of reading the book Plenty while polishing off the rest of the Hamburger Helper at lunch today...and once again recognizing how frickin' easy it would be to make it from scratch, sans chemicals and processing damn tired of hindsight.

I have started the Vitamin D and Omega 3s...more progress pending...

Outside: criminally gorgeous...I wish to be outside sucking up the Vitamin D through my sunblocked Irish skin...

Inside: there are gorillas...

My phone takes seriously crappy pictures. It's part of an ad campaign for "Gorilla Online Marketing"...the images used are pretty cute actually. The printed gorilla wears blue shorts and red boxing gloves. The little guy on my cupcake has a tiny silver back.

Advertising is a very strange business.

Wearing: sleeveless black and white blouse that only exacerbates that desire to get sun on my skin...also, loving how my hair falls onto my bare shoulders...

Reading: the aforementioned Plenty, Bob Greene's Best Life Diet, and the Dragon Tattoo is still getting attention...

Creating: Brown Rice with Chicken and Broccoli tonight or tomorrow...lists and budgets for the move this weekend...

Going: NOWHERE!!! Holiday weekend coming up and no responsibilities except to ourselves. I'll be in a box if you need me...

Hoping: I get out of my grumps, shore up my strength, and do everything I need to do this weekend to change my health and our living sitch...

Top image from here. Middle one's mine.

1 comment:

Christina Joy said...

I really like your kitchen. Someday I want to have a white kitchen. And the rich wood counter is stunning.