Monday, January 24, 2011

Monday Monday

My apologies in advance if you now have a Mamas & the Papas song going through your head...

It feels like nothing got accomplished this past weekend, but I know in fact that the errands I ran and the attention I paid to myself were key...key somethings, factors, how I'm choosing to live and take care of myself and DH.

Woke up slowly Saturday, puttered the morning away. Lunchtime I went to the Y, then the library, then the pharmacy, then Native Sun, so that it was practically dinnertime by the time I got home. But I got in a GOOD workout, stocked up on organic produce for the week, and grabbed a few more books. I'm trying my hand at unschooling myself in several subjects. I tend to think about going back to college to get another degree or two...but my latest blog reading has been steering me in a different direction. Spent the evening reading and knitting on a new hat for myself.

Sunday turned into more of the same...DH was hoping to strike out around 2 p.m. He needs a different hub for attaching the computer, TV, and PS3 so they work together...but his head wasn't cooperating (he's out and about today instead, which is always encouraging, though if he read that, he'd take it wrong). So after spending the morning puttering, I went out to drop the recycling at our localish disposal company and hit the evil-big-box store for dry goods. We're enjoying an in-between paycheck (no bills due and rent can be taken care of on the next one), so it's allowing us to see where we can save and where we can indulge. It was bittersweet seeing that Jack LaLanne passed yesterday; we just invested in his juicer. I cleaned the kitchen, cleaned out the fridge, and did the read-and-knit thing yesterday evening too. It's nice to get back into that, seriously centering.

We're still surrounded by clutter and the calendar ain't slowing down, but I'm glad for the steps I took this weekend...some of my purchases put more in the Goodwill box, while also allowing me to start defining a decor for the kitchen area. Found some seriously inexpensive glass containers for sugar, cookies, etc. (must resist urge to purchase some more, as we really don't have the counter space right now), and decided to order the juicer online to ensure I get black - could've gotten white in store, but black will match my coffeemaker and Kitchenaid mixer. It really is the little things, when you're building a "home" after 12 (almost!) frickin' years of marriage...

It's such a work in progress, and I have to remind myself that even after we move, even after we're in a rental house in or around Charlotte, that there will always be "things" to do, because that's just the way my mind works...I may not write down enough to-do lists, but the stuff that needs to be accomplished piles up in my head, just waiting for its turn. Keeping my swans in a row, as it were, week by precious week, will go a long way toward the fruitition of my dreams.

Image from here.

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