Thursday, June 17, 2010

Thoughtful Thursday

Is there any other kind of Thursday around these parts?

I've been quite fickle with the new template designer here...this latest one's quite cheery though, think I'll keep it for a while...

I'm taking Monday off just because...they were asking for us high-tenure employees to schedule days off, so we're not all piling it up at the end of the I thought, why not first day of summer? I'm glad, because I've been seriously ornery this week and need to get some excrement accomplished.

Not getting that job was a blessing; I mean, I don't actually give a crap about how this company markets itself. They just announced an acquisition that's costing them $135 million, yet I just slogged through 2 hours of training on 10-year-old computers that barely work, and they can't be bothered to pay us market rate.

I remembered something the other day, and it's lit a fire inside of me. I've had several coworkers get their Master's degrees in English and bail on the company to go teach. Each time, I remember thinking, lucky bastards. I still want Les to get back into school before me, but I'm thinking hard about ways to get us both back in somehow. We had another girl cash in her 401(k) to go back to school full time recently...I remember thinking, must be nice to be that young. I won't touch my retirement unless it's to shave a chunk off to move out of this godforsaken state, but it's got me thinking of other ways to invest, scrimp,, Les could be eligible for federal aid, since he never completed a degree.

In the meantime, I've started reading Norton's English Lit Anthology online and checked Beowulf out of the library...gotta start somewhere. My dream is to be able to ace my next degree because I've done half the studying already...since I'll likely be attempting my next degree with the distraction of small people present, I figure any studying I do now can't hurt. I literally still have stress dreams where I'm enrolled in college, but I'm blowing off classes for one reason or another and I'm right back at the level of mediocrity that I patented during my first degree. I don't understand why I have those dreams, because I know how very much I've changed in 20 years; but you can be damn sure they ain't foreshadowing.

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