Seriously bored at clue if I have a chance at that marketing spot, but I'll inquire again on Thursday if I don't hear from somebody about the writing assignment. I get that they're busy, but gotta keep looking proactive.
Grumpy for some reason...did a bunch of dreaming last night, which is supposed to mean good sleep, but somehow always leaves me ornery...hopefully I'll get the grumpies out of the way so I can have a nice day with Husby's his birthday so I'm taking the day off. He's hankering for crab, so we're going to hit up one of the local fish markets and have us a nice home-cooked meal. Thought about someplace like Joe's Crab Shack, but it's just not fiscally responsible...
If I'm stuck in QC, at least I have some time off coming...there's a pile of us high-tenured folks in QC and if we're not careful, our PTO piles doesn't want us scrambling to use it at end of the year (time off doesn't roll over here, and Christmastime can be busy), so they were nudging us to schedule some time. We don't travel nearly as much these days, money's just too tight, so it was hard to think about scheduling time off for like, no reason. But between long weekends around Memorial Day, July 4th, and some time around my birthday, I got them off my back for a spell. Thinking of saving for a trip to Charlotte around my birthday, but saving just ain't in the cards lately, so that's in the wait-and-see column...
House and Cuddy sittin' in a tree! Seriously excellent finale :) I mean, I've got a sweet spot for Hugh Laurie, but goodness!
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