Not complaining, mind you...the trials I'm enjoying at work have me wishing for Friday rather earnestly. Just surprising...I need to get moving with the camera again, cuz I think I was avoiding the blog because I didn't have anything to put at the top of the post...
Mom's headed to Annapolis today, a weekend jaunt with some friends from high school. Prayers for safe trip...the cute, warm, fuzzy mommie moves slower these days, thanks to arthritis and neuropathy.
I'm pretty sure the adult ducks are still poking around on the porch a bit...found half my plants knocked over the other day. I moved the plants to the other side of the porch, and I'll clean up all that crap this weekend, but may have to build a chicken wire shelter for the plants if they keep visiting.
Still not knitting...not sure what that's about.
Walked Mom's dog twice this week while she ran errands, and it was a good reminder of how nice it is to just get outside after work.
No word on interview yet for marketing spot. Good, maybe if I'm lucky they'll put it off until I can buy decent interview shoes...
Reading Farm Sanctuary by Gene Baur...been taking a serious look at processed food this week, reading labels, etc. I'm off soda completely and curtailing easy buys, like granola bars, cookies, etc. Truly ridiculous to buy something like that when it's so easy to make at home. Watched a documentary about how cold cuts are made, and am pretty well cured of processed meat consumption too...leaning toward as raw and organic a diet as possible. Which ain't easy given our current financial constraints, but I'm finding I just don't care when I'm standing at the meat department of Publix deciding...I'll just find a way to go without something else, if it means getting fairer raised food. And I'm not fooling myself...I know the Greenwise stuff is basically factory farmed too, but when you're living paycheck to paycheck and breaking yourself into vegetarianism after a lifetime of thinking that potatoes and corn were the only vegetables on the planet, you pick your battles carefully. Feels good, so far, but again, I need to research recipes fast before boredom sends me back to Velveeta shells and cheese ::shudders::
Did have a creative success in the kitchen last night...usually when I start opening up cans and adding stuff to a pot without a clear recipe, it results in a concoction that sits in a container in the fridge untouched for about a week and then gets tossed. But the combination of my recent Chipotle enjoyment and Cinco de Mayo inspired me to create the ridiculously simple Southwestern Surprise (an original moniker), which was a can of organic black beans, a can of not-so-organic corn, and a jar of medium salsa, with some chili powder and extra cilantro added, served over brown rice with corn chips...yeah, a wee heavy on the starch, but yummy! And the whole time I'm making it, I'm thinking to myself how salsa is another thing that's way easy to make and I'd like to reach a point of not having to buy it because there's homemade on my shelves...
Now if you'll excuse me, I must amuse myself between websites by dreaming of chicken tractors and tomato plants that actually bear fruit...
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