Why I won't give up my dream of owning a little patch of land to farm. I want a nice-sized garden, some chickens for eggs and meat, beyond that, who knows. I want the feel of a large dog walking beside me on this land. I want to learn to shoot a rifle again. It is possible. Requires hard, hard work and diligence, and the two are separate entities. But it's possible.
I thank Jenna for letting us into her life. I wish I could trek up to Vermont and help her move, even though I'm barely in any condition to move myself. Believe me, that's getting me off the computer and out into the sunshine this weekend, if I can keep the headaches at bay (my intestinal yeast has risen, which gives me blinding's a dietary thing that's been taking turns with the headaches I'm still getting from my new crowns)...but it's not stopping me from finding a way to move us in August, in spite of the hysterical detritus that surrounds us in this tiny-assed apartment that we've been in for 11 years and the fact that I need to find a job and a house for us. I mention the physical logistics of the move too, because while we should be able to enlist the help of my quite-able-and-large Lil Bro for the move-out, he won't be there for the move-in, and we can't afford movers. Should be interesting. So it's a good thing that the headaches hit me when they did, because it's a big-assed wake-up call for me and Les to get exercising, so the move doesn't completely kill us both.
My brain's all over the place today, but I'm feeling better. Gotta go run errands. Just finished reading her Closing post and had to pass it on, because it speaks so clearly to anyone who suffers from Barnheart. Sending her virtual hugs of congratulations!
Staking the tomato this weekend, and I think I need to transplant the pepper; it's beautiful! Duck still sitting...ducklings should be happening soon! Lil Sis warned me that probably only 60% will hatch...I'll be delighted to see any new life on my dismal porch.
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