Photo courtesy of Famous Footwear
Kind of a tough week...weaned off caffeine again, so i'm tired more...scrambling for work at work, trying to stay ahead...waiting for answers to health questions that won't be broached for another 2 weeks still...running out of dough...so, the usual.
But my wonderful mommie got me these babies last weekend, and they came in the mail yesterday. I'm paying her back in installments, god bless her. I've been wearing my New Balance to work for ages, or a pair of the ugliest oxfords I've ever owned...the kind of shoes where you buy them and then spend the next X months/years berating yourself and wondering what the hell you were thinking when you threw money down on them, because they're so ugly...of course, there are those who think the same about Docs probably...
I bought my first Docs in college and I'd still be throwing a little polish on 'em and wearing them if I hadn't literally grown out of the damn things...they were a little small to begin with, so when my feet finally caved to the weight on my bod and grew a bit, the old Docs were no longer feasible. I've been lost in the shoe department for the last year, bouncing between the ugly oxfords, a pair of mocs that offered less than zero support even with my orthotics, or dress or athletic sneaks. Then the dress sneaks wore out. And the money's never there for clothes or shoes.
I'm so jazzed to have a new pair of Docs! I call 'em my butt kicking shoes. Or a desperate attempt to cling to my youth. I mean, it's not like I go clubbing anymore. But they're comfy and look cool, and last for-frickin'-ever, so I'm so grateful to Mom for helping me with the investment.
As for the weekend, Les is finally feeling better, getting energy back after the flu, so we're cleaning house!
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