Found these guys behind my work when I was leaving tonight...
So exactly how lame is it to think that my dad sent the geese I've been seeing so much lately?
I'm walking out to my car this morning. Humidity 93%, temp 75F, overcast, damp, feels warmer, and should get to mid-80s today. It's not pleasant weather. Key out, I cock an ear because I think I hear them. I strain my eyes to the sky where the honking is coming from and within 30 seconds, I see entire flock in 2 sections, close to a dozen fly right over my head, with a 2nd contingent off to the right, flying over the neighboring apartment complex, breaking the morning silence with their honks. And it dawns on me, why I've been seeing them so much lately...Dad sent them because we're not having autumn here this year.
The thought brings happy tears to my eyes. I laugh and cry and drive to work with a buoyant spirit.
Guess it's not too lame after all, huh?
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