"Today is a new day with no mistakes in it yet."
~ Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery
Every once in a while, I don't strap on my little black cloud to head out into a Monday. I find that I have that newly hatched feeling, where the brain's awake enough to have positive ideas and work is more tolerable as a result. I'd still like to be about anywhere other than strapped to my cubicle, but the work day will last as long as it lasts, and then I'll be free to catch up on laundry, make a meal plan for the week, read, knit on the log cabin blanket I'm optimistically hoping to create for our king-size bed, and poke the husband with a stick.
The rain's picked up around here and everything smells green. I spent parts of the weekend helping Mom out. She had minor hand surgery on Friday, and her little dog got sick that afternoon. A sigh-worthy vet bill and rather hilarious amount of medications later (5 different meds for a 5-pound dog!? Oh, I get it, one med per pound...), Chloe's rallying slowly. Mom's rallying faster; she had a finger that was locking and this procedure released it, but still, trying to shove meds down a dog's throat with a wrapped-up hand is an exercise in patience. The critter looked traumatized after we got through with her midday regimen yesterday, poor thing. Then Sunday I went over to help vacuum and dust, which was almost more psychological than sanitary, as Mom keeps a pretty clean place already. Someone should do a study on how vacuum cleaner tracks on a carpet instills a feeling of calm and order in the universe.
Tack a couple of hours at the office on Saturday to catch up from taking the day off on Friday, and the darn weekend went by fast as a result. But I was able to relax a bit and do so without guilt. That's always tricky for me on the weekends, slacking without feeling bad about it. Helps that the floor space in the ole apartment hasn't gotten cluttered up. Since I'm back to 5-day weeks (had a couple of weeks there where it was one day off here, one day off there), I'm hoping to tackle small projects in the evenings, so I won't be so putting-my-eggs-in-one-basket about the weekends. Tired of having grandeous ideas about accomplishing things on the weekends, and getting to the end of said weekends with distinct lack-of-accomplishment feeling. Harder to get motivated after the task of creating decent meal and cleaning kitchen every evening, but it helps that there ain't dick on TV right now. In the fall, it'll require a bit more willpower.
Then there's exercise. I've signed up for two 3-mile walks this fall, the Heart walk in September and the Autism walk in November. I've gained 20 pounds of McDonald's and Starbucks (not in that order) in recent months, and I'm trying to get pregnant in a body that's probably fighting that very prospect. Something clicked this weekend. If I can't get motivated to exercise first thing in the morning, then I'll start in the evenings while I'm watching TV and once it's habit, expand the concept. I'm reading some new books on getting healthy, and getting over to Native Sun or RAM for our produce.
Still pondering the planting thing...haven't given up exactly, but I'm dashed as to if it's even possible to grow anything where I live. Between the squirrels and the heat, my hands are pretty tied.
Been very scatterbrained where purses are concerned lately, changing them out practically once a day...the cat and I are getting along better than usual...Husby's head flares up a little worse in summer because of the barometric pressure during storms.
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