Man, lemme tellya, it's a blast being only half on very necessary medication. Just spent the last 48 hours with my little black cloud over my head, and it didn't dawn on me til the middle of last night that it was just another depressive mood swing. Perfectly normal for me. What do I expect? I'm on a nearly untherapeutic amount of Paxil, no lithium, and I eat like a college male. Tack on some candida headaches the past couple of days, and it's yet another wake-up call. Geez, this gets old.
Turns out reading about exercising isn't have to actually do some. Last two days reminded me that while it's OK to take some much -needed time to yourself, knitting, reading or whatever, that I'd of course feel better if I went walking. Now granted, it's nearly impossible for someone my size to walk in Florida in July except at very specific times of day. The heat headache starts before your heart rate even gets going. I need a treadmill. There is a treadmill at the microscopic fitness facility at my complex, but if there's anyone else in there, it gets smelly fast...the place is literally the size of a bedroom. Anyway, I'm looking at the cheap treadmills at the evil big box store since my birthday's coming up, and in the meantime, doing what I can, getting back on the Kathy Smith kick while watching TV in the evenings, because I have the Heart Walk at the end of September and the Autism Walk in November. Autism Walk, I'm betting, will be just around the track at UNF...they made the one in Orlando very easy since there were so many autistic kids that come to that. But the Heart Walk's a mere 2 months away, it's a 5K, and it's downtown. Wish it was at Riverside, but I think it's Metro Park again...oh well. So I'm reading up on how to treat my body while I start exercising carefully.
While I'm at it, I'm changing the old eating habits again. Helps that we haven't a shred of extra dough for 2 weeks...whatever's in the cabinets will have to do. We're doing pork stir-fry one night this week, I have some salad stuff, and there's a pot roast in the freezer that'll feed us for most of next week. That'll be my last red meat for a while, as I'm going to be working conscientiously at lowering my blood numbers. Cholesterol is passable, but triglycerides are abysmal (unless you're a 400-pound man). Trimming my sugars and fats, switching my ice cream at night for yogurt. My docs thumb their noses at diet soda, but I'm switching...can't have regular diet soda because I'm allergic to aspartame (Nutrasweet/Equal), but apparently Publix makes a diet with Splenda (thank you, Meara!!). While I'm changing habits, that'll be better for me than the decaf sweet tea I currently down at night...until I'm pg ::crosses fingers:: and watching my caffeine intake more carefully.
Baby steps. I'm feeling better today.
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