Wednesday, June 17, 2009


So. Back to straight editing after about a week helping the new manager transition. I'm pretty OK with it for now. Allows me to relax about my responsibilities a bit, while simultaneously jump-starting my productivity, as I'm pretty sure I've been making more as an interim supervisor than I will in regular editing...meaning I'll have to produce well to make the same money. It sucks, but what can you do in a company that doesn't feel the need to pay the going rate...

It's time to really assess how to manage a move next year. My company doesn't pay fairly for remote work, so freelancing for them isn't a possibility unless Les gets a decent job. He's looking into vocational rehab programs and government career help, but until we settle, wherever that may be, we're in limbo. It's time to truly look at how we can shape our vocational futures.

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