Monday, June 08, 2009


Definitely hopped on my mood swing and went out to play today...

So, ok, I haven't even started meditating yet. It's one of those things that I keep telling myself I'll start, like yoga...except this week I'm actually starting the yoga...probably...::sigh::

After that written explosion about family drama, I was wandering through some of my fave blogs...SouleMama, MommaZen...and without thinking too hard on it, something reminded me to find my breath. So I did. And I started looking up fresh titles at my local library that could help me toward that endeavor. And sure enough, it helped! I'm much more chilled about things to come this weekend, looking forward to seeing family, not obsessing about fights that may not happen. When I catch myself going over and over in my head about their situation, something reminds me that it's not even my problem. I may get drawn into it in little ways, but nothing I do will change their situation, so why worry? Touch of Dale Carnegie there too...

Much better :)

1 comment:

Judy T said...

Hang in there, it sounds like you're picking yourself up. It took us a long time to conceive as well but we finally ended up with three beautiful children. We had been married for 8 years before our daughter was born. My youngest is 9 and I'll be 47 tomorrow so I wasn't a young Mom. Things have a way of working themselves out.
Thanks for commenting on my post at Homemakers. It should be interesting.