Everything's harder when you're big. That can be truly frustrating...all I did yesterday was laundry, a little shopping, a little cooking...I was spent and in the sack by 9:30 p.m.
It's a stand-on-your-head week. That's a Dad expression...when we had something challenging to accomplish, Dad would say "well, you can stand on your head..." for however long it takes. We got it, but now that I'm writing it, it's probably one of those "had to be there" things...heh...
Mom had back surgery Monday. They implanted an electronic stimulator in her spine to manage her pain from a currently inoperable, degenerating disc. Stimulator's working great, but her post-op pain has been significant. Percocet Mommie is kind of cute, but it sucks to see her like that. Thank goodness we live so close...I had the last 2 days off, but had to get back to work today (obviously, or I wouldn't be blogging ::wry grin::). Meara heads back to Orlando tonight, so I'll sleep over at Mom's at least the next 2 nights to walk the mutt and take care of her. She's hoping to get back to work herself next week, but I wonder...
So I've been quite busy...did buy some curly parsley, marjoram, and spearmint at the herb festival on Saturday, which I got around to transplanting Monday night. Planted some wildflowers in the long box. Put everything out on the porch and leaned the broken screen door against the glass door, with space at the bottom, so that the plants are underneath it. Not much protection, but I don't have time to fashion anything else right now. I'll check them tonight; we're getting rain lately and I'm curious how wet things get...
Yesterday came and went (2 years since we lost Dad)...so busy with Mom, I didn't have time to grieve, which actually was a relief, since I've been anticipating this day for awhile. Realized it helps that I'm able to watch stuff like Grey's Anatomy again, because if the storyline's strong enough to make me cry, I'm allowed a purge instead of letting those feelings sit. I still look on him being gone with incredulity, and time doesn't heal a damn thing, but I'm past this landmark no worse for the wear, which is exactly what he'd want.
Today's starting out rather amazing...checked the mail on my way out this morning. The 2 shirts I ordered came in, as well as a gift card I sent for, for Husby's birthday next week. We're gathering the dough to get him a Playstation 3. Then I got to work and the other present I ordered for him had come in too - seriously fast shipping, gotta remember to send positive feedback to that company. But the best was in the parking lot...it was like a visit from Dad. Here's the backstory: when we lived in Warren, CT, Canada geese were a frequent sight, and we all loved their noise and beauty. When we went to visit Dad's grave on our last day in CT 2 years ago (when we memorialized and buried him), the cemetery had a whole flock of Canadian feathered visitors hanging out, which was seriously uplifting. Today, after almost feeling bad for not feeling worse yesterday, if you know what I mean...I pull into my work parking lot to see a gander, a mama, and 4 goslings making their way down the sidewalk. I do feel bad when I see them this late in the year, because the climate has changed enough to confuse them into being this far south in May...they should be back north enjoying a milder summer. But I smiled all the way into work, and the memory will carry me through the day.
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