Life is so much about growing...
Turned in the lease end date 8/31/10. We've been at this place for 11 years now, and it's evident. I complain about it endlessly it seems, but I'm waking up a bit more to how much things need to change in the coming months. When you have a maintenance problem, and you realize you need to do A, B, C, D, and E before even thinking about letting someone in to fix it, it's time to admit that you're a lazy slob and your apartment has issues. Yeah, I don't live alone, but still...
The 2WW has begun again. That's helped precipitate that train of's disgusting enough for us to live there, can't imagine having a small person there. But if it were to happen this time around, we'd definitely still be living there for a bit after the big day.
I'm studying some schools of thought that have me thinking about how I'll need to change my career post-small person. I'm accepting how very much I'm going to want to be at home more when that time comes. I know we don't always get what we want, but we can sure try to shape life to meet our wants and needs.
And completely off whatever subject this is, rest in peace, Jack Kemp. I had the privilege and pleasure of hearing him speak in person twice, back when I was a dyed-in-the-wool conservative. He was what my dad would call an alive speaker, someone who truly inspired with his words and presentation. He had this way of was a snowball rolling downhill until you wanted to jump to your feet and holler "yes!" My politics may have shifted plenty since then, but I'll always remember those speeches and the incredible energy I felt afterward.
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