Posting once a week...yeah, that's a funny...can't help but be plugged in when you work online all day...
Haven't downloaded pics yet, so I'm cheating...here's my furry newest sister, Chloe in her whaddaya-mean-I-can't-lick-there lampshade...she just got fixed.
So I don't text message on my phone...only just recently started using the cell as my main phone source...and we're pay-as-you-go people, so it's hard to justify the expense of texting. Frugal, but slightly out of character when you consider that I'm more of an email person than a phone person, but hey, I'm a mass of contradictions :)
I was glancing through the Yarn Harlot's twittering, cuz I think she's rather delightful and funny, and it got me thinking that since I've been back, my thoughts have been limited to rather twitteresque shorts...the ole brain is enjoying a break from the extra hormones, and I'm still kind of turned off...I think they call it relaxed, but again, that's a bit out of character for me. On my current medicinal regimen, I'm always goinggoinggoing, always thinkingthinking about the apartment and moving and knitting and getting pregnant and and and...because I can't live in the present. But vacation allowed me to slow down, and the delicious after-affects are lingering. Sure, this trip got me more motivated to get us the hell out of Florida (my head's still in GA farm country), but it's also allowing me to live in the present a bit, to not look much beyond the now...to clean the apartment because it needs to be cleaned, not because we're trying to purge stuff for a move that's easily still a year + away...my gosh, the energy I waste on wanting wanting to be anywhere else...
With that preamble, I give you some fake twittering...
Funny (or sad) that the want of a spinning wheel (and a Playstation 3) is going to teach us to save money...shouldn't we be saving for, oh, I don't know, a house downpayment?! Baby steps...
It's completely unfair that I can't replicate Starbucks Breve Latte in my own home...may price cappuccino machines this weekend just for poops and giggles.
My knees are almost back to normal. I think we're going bicycle shopping for me this weekend...the money's there and it's definitely time. I think I sprouted a new stretch mark under my frickin' arm while we were away...my pride took a serious beating over that.
Way too pretty outside to be trapped on a computer...spring has definitely hit Fla...will be surprised if we get any more cold snaps. May get planting this weekend, definitely getting out on the porch regardless...
...with sunscreen! Sunburned my tattoo :( Doesn't sting or anything, but it's gotten all bumpy so I'm neosporining it and keeping it covered so I don't scratch at it by accident...don't want to screw it up, but some of the blue on my outer moon has already left the building :(
Bought a pair of fake evil big box store Croc-wannabes while camping...screw my flat feet, those suckers are comfortable! Going to shop for the real thing, see if the orthotic footbed lives up to its press...
I'm pretty good at sniffing out TV spoilers, but last night's ER threw me for a loop...SO glad I tuned in, had no idea that it was going to be the Doug Ross ep! I don't even watch it anymore, but I'd seen the previews and figured what the hey, Benton and Hathaway...
Man, I'm glad it's the weekend...Happy Friday, y'all!
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