inside my head, that is...there's lots of thoughts and memories from this weekend to tuck into my heart and brain...
My Lil Sis keeps a very clean house. It's quite inspiring.
I realized quite bluntly how much my clothes stink of smoke when I'm away from the house. I plain don't notice it at home, because it's part of the environment. Planning some things to change that...
I'm ready to think about planting.
I'm ready to think about cleaning the apartment again. I recognize that this project will not be ready in time to show my relatives (who are coming for Easter) where I live. Started a Spring cleaning list...
I'm VERY ready for my bicycle.
Seriously inspiring, my sister's's going to help me let go of a lot of things...things that I couldn't let go of when we were emptying Mom's place, because they were so much Dad, but which I'll be able to look at more clearly now....yes, some of it will be stored for when we have a house, but most of it...I mean, yes, I want a workshop in a garage or basement, but do I need a 35-year-old electric sander that's so loud it makes your ears bleed, when I can buy new? Things to ponder...
The Kelly Clarkson concert ROCKED!! So much fun! Didn't even get anywhere near the stage or theater where it was held, we watched it from the extra vid screen they put down the street. Mom and I got ourselves a pretty plum spot, considering the serious crowd, and had a great time.
Meara burned me 3 CDs, 2 of KC's stuff and one mix of current upbeat music. I haven't really listened to my MP3 player since Dad...something about my music made me ache hard, and certain stuff -- stuff I consider really pretty like Josh Groban or Enya -- brings me to tears, which certainly gets in the way of work and whatnot. I think I'm in a better place with that, thanks to this weekend.
She also had lots of mirrors in her bathroom, which allowed me to get a good look at myself. That music's going to be used for working out too.
My fingers are itching to knit socks...Mom got me a Joann's card for an anniversary gift, gonna blow some of that sucker this week :)
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
Heading to Orlando with Mommie today :) We're visiting Lil Sis and catching the Kelly Clarkson concert at Universal Mardi Gras. It'll be a nice break; work's been very busy lately. Not exactly complaining...would rather have it this way than the alternative. Meara has a small meltdown every time they lay off someone else at Universal, and Mom's getting a pay cut thanks to this economy. I know how lucky I am.
Bringing the snood, hoping to finish it this weekend. Haven't been knitting in some time, and I know there's a direct correlation between lackoknitting and how I handle things in my everyday life. I'm late on the planting, and we haven't bought my bike yet...will be doing some thinking, some random listing on the trip, I think...
Bringing the snood, hoping to finish it this weekend. Haven't been knitting in some time, and I know there's a direct correlation between lackoknitting and how I handle things in my everyday life. I'm late on the planting, and we haven't bought my bike yet...will be doing some thinking, some random listing on the trip, I think...
Monday, March 23, 2009
If you find your Starbucks isn't flowing with appropriate speed, check to make sure your nose isn't blocking the little air hole on the lid.
I can't be the only one this happens to...
I can't be the only one this happens to...
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Mental Wanderings
That should be the name of this blog really...definitely the way my brain's been headed lately...
Working on a Saturday blows. Granted, I'd probably just be sleeping in and avoiding cleaning if I was home, but so not the point...
If my elevator at work holds up to 3500 pounds, does that include the marble floor tiles in the damn thing?
I know I don't actually want to live too far out in the boonies, but I can't seem to shake the peaceful feeling I got driving through that GA farmland...
Bike shopping still hasn't happened...hopefully today, if I ever get out of work...
I haven't been knitting...there's a discontentment occurring with my evening activities, an itchiness, something missing...thinking that investing in some sock yarn and starting some new socks may take the edge off...
Need to start planting...that would definitely help too.
I think my body decided not to drop an egg this month. Won't discuss how pissed I am about was an eye opener though, about how the PCOS is affecting our ability to procreate. Can't think about it too's been a shitty self-image/self-esteem week.
Husby bought me a Starbucks Gold card...knew there was a reason I loved him :)
Working on a Saturday blows. Granted, I'd probably just be sleeping in and avoiding cleaning if I was home, but so not the point...
If my elevator at work holds up to 3500 pounds, does that include the marble floor tiles in the damn thing?
I know I don't actually want to live too far out in the boonies, but I can't seem to shake the peaceful feeling I got driving through that GA farmland...
Bike shopping still hasn't happened...hopefully today, if I ever get out of work...
I haven't been knitting...there's a discontentment occurring with my evening activities, an itchiness, something missing...thinking that investing in some sock yarn and starting some new socks may take the edge off...
Need to start planting...that would definitely help too.
I think my body decided not to drop an egg this month. Won't discuss how pissed I am about was an eye opener though, about how the PCOS is affecting our ability to procreate. Can't think about it too's been a shitty self-image/self-esteem week.
Husby bought me a Starbucks Gold card...knew there was a reason I loved him :)
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Getting back to real life
I'm in a grumpy place this week. My knees are still ornery at times, my female clock is off, and this work thing gets old fast. Add a couple of 80 degree days (yuck!) and my co-boss being off the rest of the week (meaning added responsibility for me) and you have a recipe for a little grey cloud over my head.
I ache with the news of Natasha Richardson's accident. I think it's a combination of watching the new Parent Trap lately (it's been on Encore lately...I consider it LiLo's best flick, and Richardson's comic timing was delightful), and the knowledge I have of her family's situation, having someone close fall ill quickly and deteriorate rapidly. Going on 2 years later and I still want to scream with rage when I think about it.
Damn, that work thing is encroaching on my blog posting...gotta go!
I ache with the news of Natasha Richardson's accident. I think it's a combination of watching the new Parent Trap lately (it's been on Encore lately...I consider it LiLo's best flick, and Richardson's comic timing was delightful), and the knowledge I have of her family's situation, having someone close fall ill quickly and deteriorate rapidly. Going on 2 years later and I still want to scream with rage when I think about it.
Damn, that work thing is encroaching on my blog posting...gotta go!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Twittering without the Twit...hopefully...

Posting once a week...yeah, that's a funny...can't help but be plugged in when you work online all day...
Haven't downloaded pics yet, so I'm's my furry newest sister, Chloe in her whaddaya-mean-I-can't-lick-there lampshade...she just got fixed.
So I don't text message on my phone...only just recently started using the cell as my main phone source...and we're pay-as-you-go people, so it's hard to justify the expense of texting. Frugal, but slightly out of character when you consider that I'm more of an email person than a phone person, but hey, I'm a mass of contradictions :)
I was glancing through the Yarn Harlot's twittering, cuz I think she's rather delightful and funny, and it got me thinking that since I've been back, my thoughts have been limited to rather twitteresque shorts...the ole brain is enjoying a break from the extra hormones, and I'm still kind of turned off...I think they call it relaxed, but again, that's a bit out of character for me. On my current medicinal regimen, I'm always goinggoinggoing, always thinkingthinking about the apartment and moving and knitting and getting pregnant and and and...because I can't live in the present. But vacation allowed me to slow down, and the delicious after-affects are lingering. Sure, this trip got me more motivated to get us the hell out of Florida (my head's still in GA farm country), but it's also allowing me to live in the present a bit, to not look much beyond the clean the apartment because it needs to be cleaned, not because we're trying to purge stuff for a move that's easily still a year + gosh, the energy I waste on wanting wanting to be anywhere else...
With that preamble, I give you some fake twittering...
Funny (or sad) that the want of a spinning wheel (and a Playstation 3) is going to teach us to save money...shouldn't we be saving for, oh, I don't know, a house downpayment?! Baby steps...
It's completely unfair that I can't replicate Starbucks Breve Latte in my own home...may price cappuccino machines this weekend just for poops and giggles.
My knees are almost back to normal. I think we're going bicycle shopping for me this weekend...the money's there and it's definitely time. I think I sprouted a new stretch mark under my frickin' arm while we were pride took a serious beating over that.
Way too pretty outside to be trapped on a computer...spring has definitely hit Fla...will be surprised if we get any more cold snaps. May get planting this weekend, definitely getting out on the porch regardless...
...with sunscreen! Sunburned my tattoo :( Doesn't sting or anything, but it's gotten all bumpy so I'm neosporining it and keeping it covered so I don't scratch at it by accident...don't want to screw it up, but some of the blue on my outer moon has already left the building :(
Bought a pair of fake evil big box store Croc-wannabes while camping...screw my flat feet, those suckers are comfortable! Going to shop for the real thing, see if the orthotic footbed lives up to its press...
I'm pretty good at sniffing out TV spoilers, but last night's ER threw me for a loop...SO glad I tuned in, had no idea that it was going to be the Doug Ross ep! I don't even watch it anymore, but I'd seen the previews and figured what the hey, Benton and Hathaway...
Man, I'm glad it's the weekend...Happy Friday, y'all!
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Thursday...quick family strife...hiding from animosity...keeping my mouth shut.
Friday...dawns cool...nice drive up to park...farms, cows, navigational blunder...arrive...settle cabin, can't believe they only have these at one park in to Clemson in search of decent meal for anniversary...not finding anything...worried we won't find anything and will have to settle for Ruby Tuesday's...bleh...wait, what's that?...Pixie & Bill's...lovelylovelylovely...amazing food...redeem myself for earlier navigational blunder in spades...seriously stuffed and happy...hit evil big-box store for provisions and head back to park...
Saturday...up slowly...gorgeous weather...cabin right on lake...Canada geese in distance, birds and squirrels closer by...let Husby wake up slowly...enjoy just sitting in the sun and reading Kathy Reichs...breakfast/lunch...shower...serious water pressure, really clean comfort station...on the road in search of Stumphouse Tunnel Park...cave is very neat, cool temperature, wet rock face of walls...Issaqueena Falls right nearby, lots of people...back in car, drive to trailhead for Station Cove Falls...45-minute hike, lots of neat looking trees and fairy meeting areas...falls quite pretty in spite of current drought, stop and enjoy for a bit...meander back to car...knees starting to protest hiking...hit grocery store in Walhalla for provisions...back to camp for hot dogs and wind down...
Sunday...Husby 'graining...precisely why I wanted the cabin for this trip...park myself on picnic table and enjoy sun and Kathy gorgeous, decent wind...arms and face get color, I get relax time...quite happy...roust Husby mid-afternoon for bacon frying...nap for both of us...hop in car to find another grocery store, this time in Westminster, easy 15-minute drive from camp...countryside's so pretty up there....rolling hills...really not normal to be this happy...back to camp for hash, s'mores, hot cocoa...bright moon all three nights, pretty, but sucks for stargazing...wind down fast, body's punishing me/us for Saturday's hikes...quite motivational for both of us...
Monday...pack up and hit the road...Husby refreshed, better...take 17 to 25 in upper Georgia to wind our way home...REALLY beautiful, rolling hills, fields, lots of farms, long barns, cows...scenery good for dreaming, wishing, thinking about the future...Husby drives 2/3rds so I can gaze out the windows...nice guy...grab takeout, arrive home, drag stuff upstairs, partially unpack and reacclimate while laying about in dazed condition...forget to call all family members to let them know we're home... off...thank god for foresight, still a bit tired and knees aren't speaking to me...hop over to Mom's in afternoon to do laundry and play with puppy...puppy gets on nerves so take a Starbucks break...make mistake taking puppy off leash before door's closed and puppy escapes...ensuing run/panicked scramble makes knees feel even more delightful...grab Abe's Pizza for dinner, head back home, attempt unsuccessfully to get into work mode...
So we're back. I'm feeling good still about how unplugged I was up there, so will be trying to steer clear of blogging more than once a week for awhile. Besides, there's cleaning to be done, plants to get started, knitting projects, and the usual level of dreaming desire, punctuated by balmy 80-degree days and a firm resolve to get healthy. Pictures when I get around to downloading, see you in a week!
Friday...dawns cool...nice drive up to park...farms, cows, navigational blunder...arrive...settle cabin, can't believe they only have these at one park in to Clemson in search of decent meal for anniversary...not finding anything...worried we won't find anything and will have to settle for Ruby Tuesday's...bleh...wait, what's that?...Pixie & Bill's...lovelylovelylovely...amazing food...redeem myself for earlier navigational blunder in spades...seriously stuffed and happy...hit evil big-box store for provisions and head back to park...
Saturday...up slowly...gorgeous weather...cabin right on lake...Canada geese in distance, birds and squirrels closer by...let Husby wake up slowly...enjoy just sitting in the sun and reading Kathy Reichs...breakfast/lunch...shower...serious water pressure, really clean comfort station...on the road in search of Stumphouse Tunnel Park...cave is very neat, cool temperature, wet rock face of walls...Issaqueena Falls right nearby, lots of people...back in car, drive to trailhead for Station Cove Falls...45-minute hike, lots of neat looking trees and fairy meeting areas...falls quite pretty in spite of current drought, stop and enjoy for a bit...meander back to car...knees starting to protest hiking...hit grocery store in Walhalla for provisions...back to camp for hot dogs and wind down...
Sunday...Husby 'graining...precisely why I wanted the cabin for this trip...park myself on picnic table and enjoy sun and Kathy gorgeous, decent wind...arms and face get color, I get relax time...quite happy...roust Husby mid-afternoon for bacon frying...nap for both of us...hop in car to find another grocery store, this time in Westminster, easy 15-minute drive from camp...countryside's so pretty up there....rolling hills...really not normal to be this happy...back to camp for hash, s'mores, hot cocoa...bright moon all three nights, pretty, but sucks for stargazing...wind down fast, body's punishing me/us for Saturday's hikes...quite motivational for both of us...
Monday...pack up and hit the road...Husby refreshed, better...take 17 to 25 in upper Georgia to wind our way home...REALLY beautiful, rolling hills, fields, lots of farms, long barns, cows...scenery good for dreaming, wishing, thinking about the future...Husby drives 2/3rds so I can gaze out the windows...nice guy...grab takeout, arrive home, drag stuff upstairs, partially unpack and reacclimate while laying about in dazed condition...forget to call all family members to let them know we're home... off...thank god for foresight, still a bit tired and knees aren't speaking to me...hop over to Mom's in afternoon to do laundry and play with puppy...puppy gets on nerves so take a Starbucks break...make mistake taking puppy off leash before door's closed and puppy escapes...ensuing run/panicked scramble makes knees feel even more delightful...grab Abe's Pizza for dinner, head back home, attempt unsuccessfully to get into work mode...
So we're back. I'm feeling good still about how unplugged I was up there, so will be trying to steer clear of blogging more than once a week for awhile. Besides, there's cleaning to be done, plants to get started, knitting projects, and the usual level of dreaming desire, punctuated by balmy 80-degree days and a firm resolve to get healthy. Pictures when I get around to downloading, see you in a week!
Wednesday, March 04, 2009
Today's my Friday :) I wore jeans and sneaks to work and my mind is quite elsewhere. Tomorrow we head north to the inlaws for a quick overnight, then the rest of the way to the park on Friday. The car has clean brakes, 4 new tires, has been aligned, and the oil changed...smoothest ride I've had in ages! I have a silly amount of things planned, and am preparing myself for real life to get in the way of at least half of them, but I don't think I'll be disappointed, so long as I'm with my lifemate so close to the great outdoors. The weather's supposed to be temperate the whole time we're there, except for a touch of rain on Sunday.
10 years...easiest thing in the world, loving cup runneth over.
The tax return came in, but the car work cost more than we'd planned, natch, so we won't get to splurge on ourselves the way we'd hoped...Husby wants a Playstation 3, I want a spinning wheel, but I'm encouraging us to start saving for those, now that I'm making almost comfortable money. I don't want anything for our anniversary except time with him away from Jax. Back in a week!
10 years...easiest thing in the world, loving cup runneth over.
The tax return came in, but the car work cost more than we'd planned, natch, so we won't get to splurge on ourselves the way we'd hoped...Husby wants a Playstation 3, I want a spinning wheel, but I'm encouraging us to start saving for those, now that I'm making almost comfortable money. I don't want anything for our anniversary except time with him away from Jax. Back in a week!
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