Monday, October 27, 2008

Dry spell

I can feel this blog taking a sabbatical, possibly until I get pregnant...between work and lackolithium, I'm finding it impossible to live up to my own expectations and some things get neglected, like our apartment and this blog. We'll see how this plays out...

Slept a lot this past weekend...not sure how I feel about that...

There's something really poignant about drinking your coffee from your dead dad's thermos.

Yeah, I know...that was random...

Thing is, there's nothing to report of late...been working my tail off (for our living), and rested well this past weekend, so very little got accomplished...plants still residing (and withering) on the front porch, no plans for replanting yet, dining area still a FEMA site...I'm having a hard time these days. Hopefully I can do the ole bootstraps thing and continue to chip away at day at a time...

I am back to knitting, which is really nice...almost done with my first pair of real socks for ME, and busying myself with a garter scarf...thinking about other's a comfort.

1 comment:

Alexa said...

Good luck with everything, Melanie. I hope you're back up and running soon.