...in my head. Yes, it can be quite breezy up there, why? Shut up...
It's the little things that could make a big difference, like finally starting to recycle, at work and at home. We have recycling at work for soda cans, plastic bottles, and paper. But it dawned on me yesterday how wasteful I am with the little things, how my soda cans more often end up in the trash rather than in the recycling boxes in the break room (which is just plain lazy, because my desk is at the other end of the building), or that paper products could be saved and brought home to recycle. We have scrap paper recycling at work, but I doubt they would look kindly on stuff like fast food bags in those boxes, because of the potential bug issue. So it means policing your own trash, so what? There were a pair of serious granolas that used to work for WSP, Ashley and Josh, and I remember thinking back then how weird it was that they brought home their trash. They were SERIOUS about being kind to the earth; their veganism extended to not eating at places where they knew the veggie stuff was made on the same surfaces as the meat stuff. I'll never be that diligent, love our occasional Longhorn splurges; but now something's clicking inside my head, and I'm realizing how with just a pinch of effort, I can feel a little better about how I'm treating the earth.
Firehouse Subs, a rather yummy sub place here in the south, sells their leftover pickle barrels for like, $2 and the proceeds go to firefighter charities or something like that. Would make a nice starter vessel for separating plastics and tins. Going to run it past Husby and grab some tomorrow after payday. Will probably grab some larger containers at Target or Wally World too, to get us started, but with the Firehouse barrels, I'm giving to charity as well.
Husby's feeling the change too...he consolidated our crap yesterday in the main living area so that we'd have more floor space, and vacuumed. Granted, he does more vacuuming than I normally, but it was evidence of how seeing Jade's place (his Lil Sis) made us want to do better. She's such an amazing person, but holy god, the mess...if I'd had to stay 1 more day, I'd have started cleaning and stayed the week.
I love gleaning motivation from other people's blogs and a nice one of late is Green Bean Dreams. She's only been at the "living simpler, eating locally" thing for the better part of a year, and I find comfort in the gradual changes and improved spirit that's evidenced in her writings. It's really making me itch for a new bike too, but for now I'll make do with my two legs. My PT is resulting in renewed quad strength, a new way of walking and standing, and a nice boost in my spirits...I'm feeling healthier in this small way, and I'm going into summer feeling happier than normal. Seesawing a bit this week, but that's just from getting back to reality...came home yesterday in the grumpiest mood, but grabbed a nap after work, and I'm finding myself rallying once again.
"Today is a new day with no mistakes in it...yet."
~ Anne of Green Gables, L.M. Montgomery
In childhood, I felt I wasn't allowed to make mistakes. Dad's perfectionism, anal-retentive nature, and controlling personality made it rather impossible. We were well-behaved kids in public as a result, but we missed out on the messiness of life. In adulthood, I see mistakes as learning experiences. I make them rather spectacularly sometimes; they involve noise, a lack of coordination, arms and legs flying...but rather than hide and cower and berate myself, I see them for the lessons they offer. And grinning like an idiot at your own gaffes makes you a more enjoyable person to be around. Or at least, more amusing.
Unloading books at Chamblin's this Saturday on our way to Mom's...need to move as much stuff as possible into the garage, so that the rooms pass muster with the realtor who's coming Monday. Sunday we'll tackle our place, organizing, consolidating, etc.
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