Switching to all decaf this week is hitting me about as you'd expec::snorkzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz:: Determined to make a clean break of it for now though, because this week we start trying...
Kitchen's a mess...how does that happen so quickly? Last night was laundry, all 6 friggin' loads of it, so tonight will be kitchen, maybe some cooking.
Husby was awakened this morning by contractors pounding on our sliding glass door; they're starting the new porch! Thank goodness I moved the brunt of the aloe to the front this past weekend. He still had to deal with one bike, the charcoal cooker, and one seriously large aloe, which are probably now eating what's left of my space in the dining area. Can I go home now and reorganize please? Work's not keeping me awake...
Never picked up the needles this past weekend...been a touch off my game, but I tend to rally early in the week, so there's hope...I need to get cooking again, get some more stuff in the freezer. I'm looking for a wheat bread recipe that's not quite so dense (though I have a feeling that has to do with how many times you let it rise, and ideal rising environment, which believe it or not is harder to control in Florida, because there's really only two settings: indoors=chilly and dry thanks to A/C or outdoors=oppressive) Rising just doesn't work as well in a 200F oven though, so I'm thinking of closing the vents in the walk-in closet in the bedroom and creating a makeshift rising theater...will keep you posted. And I'm thinking oatmeal cookies...I like having something to grab from the cookie bin, so might as well give it the illusion of being healthy.
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