Yesterday's wakeup call has passed. Woke up this morning slowly, but as I moved around, I realized there were things I wanted to do today, small but very important things. I bailed on socializing with the knitting gang this morning, and instead have been culling information from some of my library books. Also pulled out Oprah and Bob Greene's Make the Connection, because there are few real differences between it and his current Best Life Diet, so why should I spend the money on those? Fell asleep thinking about mindfulness, and that's exactly how I ate breakfast this morning...I noticed when I wasn't being mindful, how my bites were bigger and I didn't take so long to chew. I always eat at my desk after I get to work in the morning, and then wonder why I'm hungry by 10:30...going to take the time to stop and eat at home this week, and leave the damn TV off in the mornings.
Even a weight loss of 10% would help me conceive and create a healthier baby, so I'm focusing on my food, my food intake, and my activity level, how I can improve on all three this week without depriving myself or causing myself inordinate pain. Man, it's nice to be feeling good again!
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